Firstly ,wish u all a very happy and a prosperous new year!!
A few days ago ,I had been to Mumbai at my sister's place where I took these snaps of SIddhu(my nephew) when he had donned my tshirt.
I insisted that he pose for a photograph.I didnt have to tell him anything ..he got the glasses and happily posed a "YO" gesture.I cud see some signs of a hip-hopper in him.And I am sure that after watching "3 IDIOTS"..Jiju(his father ..) wont mind if he wants to be one !!!
And people,what do you think about the attitude that Siddhu shows off in these pics?Dont you think he has learnt it from me??..hehehehe:-)

P.S:- And for my friends from btech Computer and I.T belonging to A.I batch...A.I tshirt ROCKS on my nephew too.!!!