This post is not meant to be a didactic one.This is just meant to review the happenings in the last fortnight and the fortnight previous to it(the real reason being ...its to satiate my today's hunger for writing).
To start with,we had 3 biggies(read:companies with a big name) lined up for placement one after the another at the start of this month.There was ZS(Zoltners and Sinha),there was NVIDIA and there was JOHN DEERE.I wont go into much of detail illustrating how the test was and all that stuff.I would just say that I flunked at the first two(didnt even clear the apti) and got through the third one(JD).But,eventually,didn't manage to convert it into an offer(after a so-so technical interview and HR round).I was not meant for JD,I think.
Then...we had mid-sem exam which was a disaster.This time I found it more difficult than the previous ones.But then honestly I hadnt studied as much as I used to study before.(Final year fever,I guess...).Hey,guess what?, I joined gym some days ago(another symptom....guys here usually join gym in the final yr).
I also watched a few good movies this month.To name a few,A walk to Remember(romance),State of Play(suspense,drama),The Hangover(comedy),Man from Earth(History,Scifi).Out of all these ,Man from earth which is really a thought-provoking one had a long lasting impact on all of us who watched it together.Its a story of a professor who confesses to his colleagues at his farewell party that he is 14000 years old and he does not age(de facto,he had stopped aging a long before).He further goes on to reveal that he has met Buddha,had a chance to travel with Columbus and many more.His most shocking revelation comes when he discloses the fact that he was JESUS CHRIST.Now isnt that an interesting one?? Go get your hands on this movie and watch it people.Its really awesome.
Finally,the best thing that happened to me last month was that I got associated with an NGO named Pankhudi.At Pankhudi,some children from the nearby slum area are brought at COEP and taught life-skills.My very first day at Pankhudi was a day I will always cherish.I directly went to the wakdewadi slum to get the children.While my colleagues went to get the students ,I was told to look after those already present there.I found an unexpressible happiness and joy in playing with those kids,some were pulling my shirt,some were hitting me with hankerchief,some wanted me to lift them up in the air and when I did so..the innocence and mirth on their faces was so divine,I just cant forget that.It was great.It was really beyond words.
The next day,we went to an orphanage name MANAVYA near Bhugaon.It was a different experience there.We played with those kids,showing them some tricks which they were puzzled to see at first but then they got us to tell them how to do those tricks.I was pretty amazed when a guy there who is gonna appear for SSC this year took me to their computer lab and told me things about computer which even I didn't know.I was happy,I had finally found solace.
Thats it guys..this is all that happened last fortnight.Now that midsem is over,the monotonous college routine begins from tomorrow.:-(