After a good ten odd days of sheer enjoyment in Diwali vacation,I am back with some stuff.I wanted to write about how I spent my Diwali vacation,about the Get-Together that we had in our school and what all things I did in holidays.But,I think pending things should go first..I should have written this post precisely 15 days ago,(the day it happened) but it got delayed due to some inevitable reasons.
Before I begin my sermons,I would like to tell that what I am gonna write is a blend of personal experiences and my friends' experiences.Some of you might connect with it,some might find it I begin.Following are the things to remember while confronting a girl you have a crush on.....

1.)Initiate the conversation yourself.(She is a girl ..she wont do it...unless you are as good as a heartthrob or a superstar...I'm not :-) ).Before you begin ,you will feel tickles in your stomach and a sudden intense surge of emotion in heart,your heart will pound faster.Dont just cool.It will only last for a few seconds till you begin the conversation.
2.)Avoid questions that will only fetch Yes/No for an answer.
3.)Try and avoid pauses during the conversation because the silence that falls in between is embarassing one.You will feel that it has been there for eternity.
4.)Try and not blabber( Damn it...I did:-( ).
5.)Many people would advice you to look into her eyes while you are talking to her.I did the same...But believe me friends...its not that easy...coz those eyes were so unfathomable..I just could not help but fall for them.Then,I had no idea where the conversation was heading..or what she said..I was completely lost for a moment.And so will you be, if you follow suit!!!!
Last but not the not just scare her from behind.Walk in from the front..Go ahead and break the ice...
Thanks for stopping by.Hasta la vista....
Hey good post Loveguru Akshay....
By the way who is that girl buddy??
Hi dude....
Awesome post yaar. It will surely help many...
Waiting for ur next
dude u really write great...
hope this post helps me [;)]
take care...
Hey Hi Akshay,
i enjoyed ur writing...
very good stuff...keep them coming!!!
good one bro.. its a gud way to convey ur fellings... she must hv got da msg.... gud luck...
heyy akki...bullseye \m/ ....!!!!!
dude its really important tnxs. From few days i am gng through same situation.
It was really gud...
U write ur experience so well...
LOL.... wow din know this happens wid guys too.. sahiii!!
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