This poem, being my maiden attempt (though an unsuccessful one..:-( )at poetry,is very special.And so I didnt want to type it.I wanted it to be unfeigned.So I came up with a whim.I decided to write it down ,scan it and provide here the image (below).
Okay boys...though this image can be copied to your computer ...I would advise you not to do so...because that would tempt you guys to want to use it to woo your girl..and ultimate result would be you getting slapped for boring her by reciting such a stupid poem with a very stupid 'a-a-b-b' rhyme scheme.If you guys want a better poem, its here ( on Priti di's blog.
By the way,here is mine....(click on the image to enlarge it its unreadable)

->I would like to thank Moin ...for lending me his very special pen used for calligraphy.
->I am grateful to Priti di.It was her poem 'YOU' that motivated me to try my hand at poetry.
->I must not forget my buddies Ruturaj ,Prasad and Vaibhav and once again Moin who were the very first attenders to this poem.
Thank you folks for reading..and people... paying comments is free of charge.hehe:-)
so sweet!!
1. lucky girl! ;)
2. Every poem is an individual expression & there is no comparison.. It is an outcome of your creativity & style.. every poem is unique!(At least the poet should say & feel so) ;) Thanks for acknowledging 'You'. M truly flattered :)
3. About the poem - great vocab..& you have a good sense for rhyme & poetic meter.. I liked it! m sure you'll get even better with time.. Looking forward to more poems from you.. Happy composing! :)
nt bad at all in d 1st go....!!!!
i remembr v hd composed one back in our school days 4 a competition...ths ma frnd, s much better than dat....:) !!!!
Wow akshya....hats off to you yaar...I think You will definately give tuff competition to profesional poet...wat a creativity u had..though u already told me the poem ,but reading it on ur blog is different experience...the way u portrayed ur first poem, someone will never forget : ) : )...
hoping some more beautiful stuff in future...keep it up bro...
That was really awesome!!! Give it to someone ...and say u r the special one!!!
Great going bro !!
I liked it !
Tht's a nice poem..very gud...
sahi re - js
arree kiti chhhaan aahe!!! kharach! ugaach kashala mhanto 'unsuccessful attempt'!! it's come out really well!! it jus doesnt seem to be ur first attempt at poetry!! very nice! keep it up :)
भाई नवकवी और प्रेमी के पुरे लक्षण दिख रहे हैं | बढ़िया हैं | सही में पसंद आयी | लेकिन किसके लिए लिखी हुई हैं यह तो बताना |
nice one dude...
just tell me name of that girl(first crush)
u sure u ve written that piece of poetry,,, lols..
but no words...i mean its amazzing... perfectly written . precise and perfect words... excellent flow of the poem... now tell me whos the lucky charm...??
awesome akki... it really ur first attempt?, i mean, it didn't seem that way...really good and keep writing more..
awesome akshay bhaiya
Hey dude , i liked ur poem ... and ur other articles too . U r such a great writer and poet.
Hats off to u yaar ...!
Hey dude , i liked ur poem ... and ur other articles too . U r such a great writer and a poet .... Hats off to u yaar ...!
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