My Childhood fantasy comes true...

     We all ,as kids in kindergarten,must have had a lot of thrilling fantasies about growing up to become a pilot,an armyman,a detective or be a superhero and save lives or be a cop and nab the bad guys...(Ppl..I ll let a secret out...I fantasize all these things even now. :-) )

    Well frenz..I got a chance to kinda live one of my childhood fantasies this sunday.We,Pankhudi volunteers,had planned to celebrate the Children's Day on 15th Nov(We couldnt do it on 14th!!).There was a dance,some sermons and a Mime.The Mime was a story of three theives.In the mime,I got to play the COP,who eventually nabs those three thieves .I had always dreamt of being a COP.Thanks to the mime ,I got to live my dream.Though it was just around 30 sec appearance ,I enjoyed doing it.And yes ..the kids enjoyed the mime too,and that was the most important thing.

     All n all ..the event was great.Trust me really feels great to see those innocent smiles all around on kids faces.The kids were at there best when they danced.The ambience was inundated with mirth and I was overwhelmed.

         By the way here is the pic of "The COP".

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